DUG - College of Education Presentation
Wed, 04/04/2018 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
3134 Tawes Hall (Seminar Room)
** Meeting Room Update **
Hello All, hope you had a great spring break!
Kindly join us on Wednesday, April 4th, 2018 at 12 noon in Tawes Hall Seminar Room 3134 (3rd floor) for a presentation on the College of Education website (education.umd.edu) by Rochella McKoy. Rochella is the front-line support for web and web-based technologies for the College of Education. She handles maintenance of the college web site, and web-based systems that support faculty and staff in the College. The presentation will be an informal conversation covering the following:
- Introduction
- Feature highlights
- Improvements
- Problems encountered
- Upcoming projects/roadmap
- Questions and Feedback
Look forward to seeing you!
Michael Kamuiru