Hello All,
Kindly join us on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017 at 12 noon in 2115 Tawes Hall for a group working session to assist our colleagues from the health center on their website redesign project. We have 50mins and we hope to assist them in the discovery phase to identify their key users and website priorities. I will kindly ask for you to look at the current UMD Health Center website http://health.umd.edu to gather some of your thoughts and suggestions before the meeting in relation to the following items:
- What do you think the current website does well (successes) and what do you think is problematic (pinch points)
- Who are the key users or stakeholders
- Identify 6 key website features
The team from Health Center will come ready with writing materials and we plan to have an open working exercise over lunch (please RSVP here). If you have gone through this process in a past or current project your insight will prove to be invaluable and we look forward to your thoughts.
We will follow up with a 10min presentation of the Careers website https://careers.umd.edu and we plan to fold the Q/A session into the group working session.
Lastly, for the June 7th, 2017 meeting we are excited to announce that David Gallerrizzo (Proud Terp!) from Fig Leaf Training will be with us to discuss Drupal 8. Please let us know what you would like to learn about Drupal 8 so that we can tailor the conversation to your specific needs and if you are open to extending the conversation to cover more material. I welcome any of your thoughts for the June meeting by email mkamuiru@umd.edu or by phone (301) 405 6164
Thank you!
Michael Kamuiru