DUG - Modern Decoupled Enterprise API and Website
Wed, 06/06/2018 - 1:00pm
2115 Tawes Hall
Hello All,
I hope you had great commencement ceremonies and that you are ready for the summer break!
Kindly join us on Wednesday, June 6th, 2018 at 12 noon in 2115 Tawes Hall for a discussion on the journey of creating a modern decoupled enterprise website project. This presentation will touch on the following topics:
- Application Programming Interface (API) using Drupal 8, Express, and GraphQL,
- Drupal 8 setup, configuration, and specifications
- Modern utilities - Node JS, NPM, Yarn, WebPack
- DevOps - Netlify and Github
- Decoupled Front End - React/React-Static, Bootstrap 4, and Sass
We will follow up with a Q/A session as well as discussing your thoughts and input.
Look forward to seeing you!
Michael Kamuiru