The UMD Drupal Users Group connects members of the university community who use the Drupal content management system to meet their web-related needs. We meet at noon on the first Wednesday of each month in 2115 Tawes Hall.
- 9/2014 - 8/2016
- 5/2013 - 8/2014
- 2009 - 4/2013
- Heather Rodriguez from ARHU, ENGR
It's very easy to join the group, simply login with your UMD directory id and password. If you are not affiliated with UMD and would like to have an account with the group, please contact us through the Contact form and we will send you the login information.
You must login as a member in order to RSVP to meetings, post blogs, or participate in forums.
There are three privacy settings for your profile:
- Public: your profile is visible to everyone
- Private: your profile is only visible to authenticated user
- Hidden: your profile is not visible to anyone except yourself
History of the User Group
The idea of the club was started when Akilah Jackson, Li Zhu from OIT Learning Technologies and Megan Weng from ARHU started working on Drupal back in 2009. They saw a need to start a Drupal community on campus for support and knowledge sharing. It was decided that ARHU will host the monthly Wednesday meetings. The first meeting was held on November 4th, 2009 led by Akilah Jackson and Li Zhu on the newly implemented Drupal site An FYI email was sent to the campus and close to 50 people showed up for the first meeting. It was clear that such group was necessary on campus. Since then, ARHU, ENGR, AGNR, and the English Department have taken turns hosting the monthly meetings.
History of this website
v 2.0: January 2016 - present
Port the existing site to Drupal 7. To be hosted with DIT Drupal Hosting. The following volunteers help build the site:
- Marie Gates: taxonomy, workbench
- Valerie Hoy: events, registration
- Myeong Lee: user profile
- Kevin Nesline: requirements, providing venue
- Mandy Qi: module installation
- Suran Silva: showcase
- Megan Weng: theming, newsletter
Link to Requirements document.
v 1.0: January 2013 - December 2015
Port the previous Ning site into Drupal 6 and hosted with ARHU. The following volunteers helped:
- Grant Dickie
- Brock Fanning
- Valerie Hoy
- Akilah Jackson
- Mel Manela
- Kevin Nesline
- Heather Rodriguez
- Suran Silva
- Megan Weng
- Li Zhu
v 0.0: Ning site: 2009 - 2012